If you are looking for Steering wheel that fits into your BAJA Buggy. It is best advisable to make your own.
Try making it from Balsa Wood or Carbon Fibre, these are significantly lighter too.

There are many different ways of making it, but if this is going to be your first experience with composites, we would recommend you start with something easier. Flat panels for skidplates or number panels are the easiest to learn on, and most forgiving. Complicated geometry with complex loadings like a steering wheel should be reserved for when you are comfortable working with the materials and have a good idea about what is good and bad for it structurally.

Here is a short video of Formula SAE(FSAE) – Carbon fiber steering wheel fabrication :

How To Make Your Own Carbon Fiber (Fibre) Parts. –

To go with the pre-made aluminum Steering wheel – https://www.autowalaparts.com/t/steering-wheel/

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