The documentation of a Baja ATV is highly focused on this area. Different teams may have their own style of presenting their DFMEA report. This article deals with an example of how a typical report is made.


The idea of making an ATV is not solely for All Terrain use. The vehicle should be ambitioned to even more parameters. Aesthetics, Easy operation, Manufacturability, Safety shall be mentioned as some of the parameters. The dimensional configurations should fit inside the rulebook of BAJA. Having 4/more wheels, not having more than 64” at the widest point, Maximum length being 108”, Safe operation over all terrains, Ground clearance and accommodating 95th percentile male shall be listed among them.


As the Baja ATV has a number of parts, the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis were broken

down into separate categories (e.g. mechanical, structural, etc.).  Among these, the structural failure should be given the highest preference as it directly affects the safety of the driver.

An example of FMEA of few parts is shown below

Item Name Failure Mode Failure Cause Operation Effects/Hazards Safety Effects/ Hazards Safeguards Actions
Frame Structural/Safety High load/shock Frame bends Driver in Risk High Factor of Safety Diligent testing
Engine Mechanical Dirty air and fuel Possibility of explosion Serious Injury Optimised position N/A
A-arms Mechanical Shock/Impact Load Suspension compromised Serious Injury High Factor of Safety Diligent testing
Steering column Mechanical Damage by Debris Inability to steer Serious Injury High Factor of Safety Diligent testing
Pedals Mechanical Excess load by driver Inability to operate Serious Injury High Factor of Safety Diligent testing
Goggles Safety Damage by Debris Disqualification Serious Injury Verify the specification N/A

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