It will be a whole lot of new experience and roller coaster ride for your team. Some of the points that you can keep in your mind are:- You have started this to learn something which your engineering courses will add up to it. Don’t go for shortcuts. Learn to Improvise and Adapt. Everything is here […]
Articles Tagged: SUPRA
What do anyone gain from SAEINDIA Events?
SAE Events are a lot more than a learning experience. It’s a life and personality changing decision. You might not experience it in your first year or work in the team at a junior level. But, as you be a part of a team for a few more years and are given the responsibility for […]
How to balance your time between your studies and SAEINDIA Events?
Well, it is very hard. Believe me, it’s not only about studies and BAJA but also about other stuff. I don’t get time for anything else than these two. I will tell you about my routine. 10 am to 4 pm we have college and not supposed to do any activities related to BAJA. So […]
Were you a part of SAE events like Formula SAE/BAJA, and despite giving your best, you never won?
I was part of SAE Baja for two years. First-year the team was new. Not a single member had any clue about the events and how things were going to be during the event. So we did great in virtuals of last year’s event. We got through it. We tried to do everything we could. […]