It is a saying that ‘chalti ka naam gadi’(one which is running, that’s the car) but if it doesn’t stop at driver’s will; then still it is car but of YAMRAJ(lord of death). That’s why we have brakes in car which makes your ride safe, thrilling and they keep your meeting with god canceled. Now you are well aware of importance of brakes.The engineering behind the brakes is complicated. You can read our blogs to get more information regarding the functioning of brakes. This blog is for the different types of brake lines.

Some terminologies related to Brake line-

1. Brake line – rigid steel lines that run from master cylinder to the hoses.Can’t handle suspension travel and side by side movement during turning (fig 1).

2. Hoses – flexible rubber tubes made of rubber which carries fluid from brake fixed to car’s body to the brake caliper on the wheel.This is also known as soft line of brake system (fig 2).

                            FIG                                                                                             FIG2
Brake system overview : In a hydraulic brake system, pressing the pedal will push a plunger into the master cylinder, forcing brake fluid through the rest of the system to the brake calipers or wheel cylinders. Running from the master cylinder are rigid steel lines that connect to flexible hoses. The flexible hose connects from the hardline to the brake caliper or wheel cylinder. These flexible lines allow for suspension travel and side to side movement during turning. Without these flexible lines, the hardline would become fatigued very quickly, eventually leading to failure. From pedal to pad the brake system goes pedal > master cylinder >brake fluid > brake calipers/wheel cylinders. Types of brake lines – There are four types of hard line used for braking systems – 1. Steel 2. Soft steel 3. Stainless steel 4. Nickle copper alloy Galvanized mild steel is the most commonly used material for brake line. For more information you can visit –

Types of hoses – There are two types hoses based on the type of material they are made of.

1. Rubber hoses – Rubber makes for great brake lines because it is durable, resilient, and will last for a long time without having to be replaced.Most of the car companies provide these hoses in new cars because it fits the bill easily with a satisfactory performance. But rubber tends to flex under heavy use.(fig. 3)

2. Braided stainless steel hoses – stainless steel lines have an inner tube wrapped in a stainless steel mesh. These lines are much stronger than rubber, but the increased strength comes with a larger price tag as well.These are used in high performance cars like ATV(all terrain vehicle).(fig. 4)

Benefits of rubber hoses –
1. Low cost
2. Sufficient performance for non-performance oriented drivers.
3. Low maintenance cost
Demerits of rubber hoses –
1. Tends to flex under heavy use
2. When pressure builds, expands outward resulting in spongy or squishy brake feel.
Benefits of stainless steel hoses – These types of brake hoses do not flex and expand under the extreme pressures when the brakes are applied heavily. The benefits are:
1. Better braking response
2. Much firmer feel at the pedal
3. Longer brake line life
Demerits of stainless steel brake hoses –
1. Expensive
2. Requires more maintenance
3. The braided mesh covering can allow small dust and dirt particles to get between the braiding and hydraulic line. Over time, these dirt particles will wear away at the inner lining and will eventually cause a leak.

Which one is feasible –

Rubber lines are the perfect solution for non-performance oriented drivers. For people looking for a little more from their brake system, stainless lines are the better choice. Rubber lines are not reinforced like stainless lines, therefore when pressure builds in them, they will expand outward. That expansion results in a spongy or squishy pedal feel. By upgrading to a set of stainless steel lines over the rubber lines, you will reduce the outward expansion of the line. This in turn will reduce the spongy feel in your brake pedal and give you a more accurate pedal feel. An accurate pedal feel will allow for more sensitive braking adjustments and will also increase pedal feedback into the system.

Therefore, feasibility or choice of hoses depends upon type the of vehicle they are used. In high performance oriented vehicles like ATV braided stainless steel brake hoses are must i.e. more feasible.

Layout of brake system – fig 5 shows all the arrangements ,joints, lines, and hoses of braking system.

                                                                           FIG 5.

So, make proper choice of brake line and enjoy the thrill of riding with safety.



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